AGORÀ call: How will we live together?
The proposed event allowed us to discuss the theme of the Venice Biennale 2021. For this reason, on 25 November, sponsored by the Politecnico di Milano, we organized a debate on the theme: “How will we live together?”, A question that during the epidemiological crisis has taken on a new and extremely current meaning.
The event “AGORÀ talk: How will we live together?” was the synthesis of AGORÀ magazine, our online architecture magazine produced by students and professionals from different disciplines. The event was streamed on our social channels (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) and on the virtual platform “Zoom”. The program started at 2.30 pm and developed into four one-hour sessions, during which international and Italian professionals discussed the theme of the event.

Therefore, in parallel with the event, an “AGORÀ call” was launched to promote and stimulate further debate within society. The theme of the call is a personal interpretation of the specific theme, “How will we live together?”, a subjective and free vision represented through an image accompanied by a text.
Never, as in the period of a global pandemic, has this question taken on such a profound meaning. What will our life be like after this experience and how will we manage to live together with others? Social inclusion, housing strategy, climate change, sharing, diversity, survival, community, ethnicity, man, nature, racism, pollution… words upon words, reflections on reflections…
The call request was not to propose an architecture project, but an architecture manifesto, a personal idea able to increase the cultural debate by stimulating the people to further reflect.
The call was addressed exclusively to PoliMi students, who could participate individually or in groups (max 3 people). The texts of the paper could be either in Italian or in English.
What were the evaluation criteria?
(Consistency with the theme : 1-10 punti)+(Graphic communication: 1-10 punti)+(Vision of the proposal: 1-20 punti) = 40 pt.
The work of the jury was unquestionable. Except for the 3 winners, the remaining part of partecipants are considered equal.
What was to be delivered?
A vertical A1 format PDF table containing an image (square, 1: 1) and a text, Montserrat extraLight 12pt format, of max 4000 characters including spaces, within which no additional images or project graphics should be inserted. The text must contain the description and the story of the meaning of the image produced. (The layout of the board was sent as a response to the applications).
The jury that evaluated the works:
• Alvar Altissimo – @alvaraaltissimo
• Met.a.form – @metaform
• Emanuele Crovetto (Malaparte Café) – @malapartecafe
• Massimo Randone – @MassimoBrutoRandone
Selection of the 3 winners through the national and international jury.
– 1° prize: 200 € coupon to be used at the Policenter
– 2° prize: 75 € coupon to be used at the Policenter
– 3° prize: 25 € coupon to be used at the Policenter




Initiative realized with the contribution of the Politecnico di Milano.