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Rediscovering the value of time

Communicating while looking at someone in the eyes from the opposite part of the world has placed us in an era of immediacy, the same immediacy that we apply to every part of our life and that makes us forget that there is time for much: to think, to learn and to listen. There is no rithm without time; thus, with no rythm we tend to talk over others and, surrounded by much noise, we do not listen to each other. How we will live together? Rediscovering the value of time

The cover of this article want to be an allegory; the real goals are neither Covid or negationism. These pictures try to encourage us to be aware of the importance of time and to re-consider it, the same time necessary to train those who offer their own knowledge to face this emergency.
How can we live together in a moment in which, once read few notes, we feel educated and aware enough to argue with people who dedicated their entire life to these specific topics?”

How will we live together? Leonardo Sollami - Riscoprire il valore del tempo

© Leonardo Sollami, How will we live together?, Milan, 2020.

A big thanks goes to Maurita, who despite her run against time in Covid diagnostic centers and despite her work as a nurse in a retirement home, she found time in order to pose for this portrait.

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It was born in the province of Rome, where the countryside hardens and makes you dream. Photographer and eclectic by nature, he graduated from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in Architectural Sciences. Currently moved to Milan to complete his university career at the Polytechnic. He believes that there is not a single truth but a single way to express it: by remaining true to oneself.
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